Sunday, December 13, 2009

I said I'd never do this.

So here I am starting a blog. I just love to look at other peoples. I love how I feel like I have just popped by for a little coffee break with them when I read their posts. I also love looking at peoples blog designs, like scrapbooking. It's really not as obnoxious to blog as it first seemed. Of course people want to hear about your life, not because they don't have one of their own, but because they care. could be cool.

The real problem I will have is getting my pictures posted. That is, of course, one of the major selling points of a make people feel like they really are involved in your life. If you don't know what little Jimmy looks like it's hard to feel involved. So far I suck at posting pictures to Facebook and I rarely send them via email. But I feel this blog is the dawn of a new era for me. Already I find it a little technically daunting just to publish a post. I know that is kind of sad for me.

I feel somewhat clueless regarding length of posts. It's being married to Josh...has me wondering if there is some studied length for optimum readability that increases peoples likelihood of frequenting your site.

Hopefully you will all stay with me as I muddle through and share a good stiff cup with me.
(Just so you know, my grammar is notoriously bad. Sometimes Josh will proof my work, that should help.)


  1. Glad to read your blog Justina. I agree, it's fun to get in on a little of everyone's life. And you'll figure out the photos thing-you can do it!!!

    Merry Christmas Sharp 5 from Nilsen 6

  2. I would love to share a stiff cup of Jo with you!!! Thanks for sharing!!
